Education objective

The main objective of the education programme is:

  • To prepare the participant to have a command of the Slovak language, particularly for the purpose of studying in Slovak at a public university in full-time mode and for participating in social life, as well as for further language education, either institutional or individual on a B2.1. level.
  • To support the participant’s personal development and sense of life in the Slovak Republic by means of enriching the dialogue of cultures.
  • To share the information on everyday life in the country.
  • To overcome language barriers for the sake of raising mobility in personal life.



Content of the education programme:

Education outcomes on a B2.1. level in speaking, reading comprehension and listening comprehension


Scope of the education programme:

  1. A) Language and academic preparation
    Language training 4 classes a day, in total: 200 classes
    Combination of language and vocational training – language training 3 classes a day, vocational training 3 classes a day, in total: 360 classes.
    Academic preparation is carried out according to the area of economic and social sciences (mathematics, economics, civic education and logic).
  1. B) Testing language skills on level A1, A2, B1, B2.1.



Target group

Foreign applicants with completed secondary education who will prepare for study at Slovak universities focused on economic or social sciences.


When and where?

Date and venue of classes:

  • October 22, 2024 – August 31, 2025
  • University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemská 1, Bratislava


For whom?

Conditions for applicants’ admission:

  • Complete full secondary education with secondary school-leaving examination
  • Submission of online application by the given deadline
  • Payment of the fee by the given deadline



Application deadline:

Deadline for the submission of application (only language and vocational training) and fulfilment of admission conditions is September 12, 2024



Language training lecturers:

PhDr. Roman Kvapil, PhD., Faculty of Applied Languages

Mgr. Martina Uličná, PhD., Faculty of Applied Languages


Academic preparation lecturers:

Ing. Marcel Novák, PhD., Faculty of National Economy

doc. Ing. Daniela Rybárová, PhD., Faculty of Business Management

PhDr. Mária Kmety Barteková, PhD., Faculty of Business Management

Mgr. Michaela Dziváková, PhD., Faculty of Applied Languages



Tuition fees:

  • Language and vocational training, 560 classes in total – 2.990.- EUR, deadline of payment of tuition fee is September 12, 2024 at the latest
  • Fee for participation at language testing and for issuing a certificate: based on passing a language exam – 50.-EUR.
  • For obtaining a certificate, it is necessary to attend a minimum of 80% of classes.

Accommodation fees:

  • There is a possibility of accommodation in dormitory in two or three bed rooms (depending on type of room) from 90 – to 125.- EUR / month


What do you get?

  • Studying at university campus in the broad centre of Bratislava
  • Accommodation at the venue of the training, or with the direct transport connection to the venue of training
  • Refreshment and lunch possibilities at the venue for training
  • Cultural and social activities at the university
  • Studying in the centre of students’ life
  • Possibility to meet students of the University of Economics in Bratislava
  • Access to of study literature and teaching aid.


Important notice

After the fulfilment of admission conditions, including the payment of the full amount of tuition fee, each applicant for the Language and Academic Preparation for Foreigners in Slovak Language will receive “Confirmation of admission to the Language and Academic Preparation for Foreigners in Slovak Language to university study” and “Confirmation of Accommodation” which will serve prospective students – third country nationals as relevant documents of the complete application for granting the temporary residence permit for the purpose of study submitted at the Bureau of Border and Foreign Police of the Presidium of the Police Force in Bratislava.

The study programme in question is carried out primarily in the form of face-to-face tuition at the University.